Rat Meat Sold as Chicken Wings?
Many people in this world start rumors. It happens everyday even when you don't think it does. people do this to hurt other people or companies reputation. I have seen many rumors about restaurants every year. Some of the rumors maybe true but many of them are just lies.
This article said that "300,000 pounds of counterfeit chicken wings was sold prior to 2016's super bowl was actually rat meat."(Snopes) This was found out to be a lie. According to Kim LaCapria, the source who found out this was false, said the source cited for the article was World News Daily Report. This source is a well known peddler of fabricated news (LaCapria).
This article had a lot of people around the world in a big scare thinking they have been eating rat meat instead of chicken. This was a big issue because on Super Bowl Sunday chicken wings are the biggest seller of that night. Chicken wings are usually the first thing to be sold out at a lot of restaurant and fast food places because everyone hurries up and buy them up for parties. I bet a lot of people became disgusted when this rumor came out.
This article did say that one million pounds of rat meat was actually being sold as boneless chicken wings around America. is has been said to be true. FDA inspectors was concerned when they found many illegal shipping containers coming from China that was filled with rat meat(Snopes). They found out that the containers was suppose to be shipped to different meat processing plants across America to be resold as chicken meat (Snope).
I found out that some of this was a lie but then some of it came out to be true. This has me scared because now I will never know what I am actually eating. I love boneless chicken wings but I don't know if I will anymore. Rumors can sometimes spread the truth about the things people try to keep a secret.
“FACT CHECK: Rat Meat Sold as Chicken Wings.” Snopes.com, 29 July 2017, www.snopes.com/fact-check/rat-meat-chicken-wings/.
“FACT CHECK: Rat Meat Sold as Chicken Wings.” Snopes.com, 29 July 2017, www.snopes.com/fact-check/rat-meat-chicken-wings/.
This was a very interesting rumor. I really enjoyed reading it I kind of thought it was funny until I read the last paragraph, because now I am gonna be scared to eat chicken. I have always heard rumors about chicken at Chinese restaurants, not only Chinese chicken but all Chinese food being made from a rat, cat, or dog. I might have to become a vegan.